Please include the following questions in your Personal Interview
- What do you see as the most positive parts of your culture?
- What do you consider the most negative aspects of your culture?
- How are young children viewed in your culture?
- How are the elderly viewed among your ethnic group?
- How does your culture deal with death and funerals?
- Is marriage between members of your ethnic group and outsiders generally tolerated?
- Describe the sense of family in your
- Is there a predominant religion? If so, how do beliefs affect you and your family?
- When there is a major life crisis in your culture, generally whom do you seek for help?
- What is the general feeling about seeking professional help or counseling for solving life problems in your culture?
- Would most people understand the role of the social worker in your culture? How would getting help from a social worker generally be perceived in your culture?
- What are some celebrations in your culture, or special traditions?
- Why did you come to America? What have your experience here been like? What are your dreams for the future?