Psychology homework help.
My topic is “Postpartum Stress” during pregnancy
Identify 1 topic of interest. Write it this way: “The topic of interest for this assignment is…” Postpartum Stress
Identify 2 quantitative, 2 qualitative, and 2 mixed methods research articles from peer-reviewed journals that relate to the topic of interest and provide a reference list entry written in APA Format and Style for each article here:
Article 1
Article 2 … …
[This is not creative writing. You may use the outline below to address each of the assignment requirements]
[You may paste your response to each requirement directly into the outline]
[You may use your annotations from previous assignments in this course but they must address each of the requirements. If your previously used annotations did not address these requirements make sure they do before pasting them into the outline.]
Identify the elements for each of 2 quantitative research articles as follows:
Identify 1 topic of interest. Write it this way: “The topic of interest for this assignment is…” Postpartum Stress
Identify 2 quantitative, 2 qualitative, and 2 mixed methods research articles from peer-reviewed journals that relate to the topic of interest and provide a reference list entry written in APA Format and Style for each article here:
Article 1
Article 2 … …
[This is not creative writing. You may use the outline below to address each of the assignment requirements]
[You may paste your response to each requirement directly into the outline]
[You may use your annotations from previous assignments in this course but they must address each of the requirements. If your previously used annotations did not address these requirements make sure they do before pasting them into the outline.]
Identify the elements for each of 2 quantitative research articles as follows:
- Provide a reference list entry written in APA Format and Style for this article
- Identify the research topic: “The topic this research addresses is… …‘’
- Identify the design as: quasi-experimental, casual comparative, correlational, pretest–posttest, or experimental: “The research design is… …”
- Identify the theoretical basis of the research; if the authors do not state a theoretical framework than identify a theory based on the information in the article.
- Identify the research conclusions: “The researchers concluded that… …”
- Identify the research question in this format: “The question this research addresses is: What is the…?”
- Identify the population and sample: remember a sample of research participants is drawn from a population: “The population this research addresses is … …The sample this research uses is… …”
- Explain how the research is generalizable to the population. To be generalizable to the population the research sample must be drawn from the population. If it is not, then the research is not generalizable
- Explain how the research makes an original contribution to the body of knowledge; the key word is original
- Identify the limitations of the research. “The limitations of this research are… …”
Identify the elements for each of 2 qualitative research articles as follows:
- Provide a reference list entry written in APA Format and Style for this article
- Identify the research topic: “The topic this research addresses is… …”
- Identify the design as: narrative, ethnographic, grounded theory, case study, or phenomenology
- Identify the research question in this format: “How do… …”
- Identify the theoretical basis of the research; if the authors do not state a theoretical framework than identify a theory based on the information in the article. Click here:
- Identify the research conclusions
- Identify the population and sample: remember a sample of research participants is drawn from a population
Identify the elements for each of 2 mixed methods research articles as follows:
- Provide a reference list entry written in APA Format and Style for this article
- Identify the design as parallel, concurrent, sequential, multilevel, or fully integrated mixed methods design.
- Identify the quantitative elements of the research using the requirements from the above Identify the elements for each of 2 quantitative research articles as follows
- Identify the qualitative elements of the research using the requirements from the above Identify the elements for each of 2 quantitative research articles as follows
Lastly ,
Write a 1 paragraph conclusion that presents a synthesis of the six articles
Explain what the articles have in common in terms of topic and research questions. Explain how the conclusions of each article were the same or differed.
These include the research topic, research question, research design, theoretical basis, and limitations of the research. The requirement is to provide annotations for 6 articles and to provide a synthesis that discusses the commonality of the articles.