Operations Management homework help

Week 10 Discussion Question
Finding that New Position and Negotiating for Yourself

  • Determine the negotiation tactics you need to use to close the deal when negotiating the terms of a work situation that is ideal to you. Support your position.
  • Also, most students taking this course also work full time, have other responsibilities such as families, and participate in activities outside of school. When you took on school work you had to allocate time away from something else. This often requires negotiating with others (or yourself). Analyze the key choices you had to make when you decided to go back to school.
  • Respond to at least one of your classmates with length, content, and substance.
  • Respond to any and all questions asked by your fellow students and the professor.

w10a1 – Negotiation Presentation
Click the linked activity title to access this assignment.
Imagine that you are about to purchase a new car, a new home, or another big-ticket item. You want to negotiate a good price for
yourself that is also fair to the seller. Using the chapters in the textbook, develop a plan that will give you the best chance to
Create a PowerPoint presentation of your plan, with a minimum of twenty slides and corresponding speaker notes, in which you:

  1. Create a scenario for buying a new car, a new home, or another big-ticket item.
  2. Analyze the dynamics of the negotiation process that you think will give you the best opportunity to succeed.
  3. Determine the specific tactics you will use to effectively implement your plan.
  4. Determine the Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement (BATNA) and the Worst Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement

(WATNA) for this scenario.

  1. Create a plan for conflict or dispute resolution for the scenario that you created for this assignment.
  2. Propose a plan for closing the sale that is fair to both parties involved in the negotiation.
  3. Use at least three quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other websites do not qualify as

academic resources.
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, refer to the Strayer Writing Standards
link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:
Propose a plan for implementing the negotiation process in a given scenario.
Scoring Guide
Create a scenario for buying a new car, a new home, or
another big-ticket item 10 %
Did not submit or
incompletely created a
scenario for buying a new car,
a new home, or another bigticket item.
Needs Improvement
Partially created a scenario
for buying a new car, a new
home, or another big-ticket
Satisfactorily created a
scenario for buying a new car,
a new home, or another bigticket item.
Thoroughly created a
scenario for buying a new car,
a new home, or another bigticket item.
Analyze the dynamics of the negotiation process that you
think will give you the best opportunity to succeed. 10 %
Did not submit or
incompletely analyzed the
dynamics of the negotiation
process that you think will
give you the best opportunity
to succeed.
Needs Improvement
Partially analyzed the
dynamics of the negotiation
process that you think will
give you the best opportunity
to succeed.
Satisfactorily analyzed the
dynamics of the negotiation
process that you think will
give you the best opportunity
to succeed.
Thoroughly analyzed the
dynamics of the negotiation
process that you think will
give you the best opportunity
to succeed.
Determine the specific tactics you will use to effectively
implement your plan 10 %
Did not submit or
incompletely determined the
specific tactics you will use to
effectively implement your
Needs Improvement
Partially determined the
specific tactics you will use to
effectively implement your
Satisfactorily determined the
specific tactics you will use to
effectively implement your
Thoroughly determined the
specific tactics you will use to
effectively implement your
Determine the Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement
© 2020 Strategic Education, Inc.
(BATNA) and the Worst Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement
(WATNA) for this scenario. 15 %
Did not submit or
incompletely determined the
Best Alternative to a
Negotiated Agreement
(BATNA) and the Worst
Alternative to a Negotiated
Agreement (WATNA) for this
Needs Improvement
Partially determined the Best
Alternative to a Negotiated
Agreement (BATNA) and the
Worst Alternative to a
Negotiated Agreement
(WATNA) for this scenario.
Satisfactorily determined the
Best Alternative to a
Negotiated Agreement
(BATNA) and the Worst
Alternative to a Negotiated
Agreement (WATNA) for this
Thoroughly determined the
Best Alternative to a
Negotiated Agreement
(BATNA) and the Worst
Alternative to a Negotiated
Agreement (WATNA) for this
Create a plan for conflict or dispute resolution for the
scenario that you created for this assignment. 20 %
Did not submit or
incompletely created a plan
for conflict or dispute
resolution for the scenario
that you created for this
Needs Improvement
Partially created a plan for
conflict or dispute resolution
for the scenario that you
created for this assignment.
Satisfactorily created a plan
for conflict or dispute
resolution for the scenario
that you created for this
Thoroughly created a plan for
conflict or dispute resolution
for the scenario that you
created for this assignment.
Propose a plan for closing the sale that is fair to both parties
involved in the negotiation. 15 %
Did not submit or
incompletely proposed a plan
for closing the sale that is fair
to both parties involved in the
Needs Improvement
Partially proposed a plan for
closing the sale that is fair to
both parties involved in the
Satisfactorily proposed a plan
for closing the sale that is fair
to both parties involved in the
Thoroughly proposed a plan
for closing the sale that is fair
to both parties involved in the
Three references. 10 %
No references provided.
Needs Improvement
Does not meet the required
number of references; some
or all references poor-quality
Meets number of required
references; all references
high-quality choices.
Exceeds number of required
references; all references
high-quality choices.
Clarity, writing mechanics, and formatting requirements. 10 %
More than 6 errors present.
Needs Improvement
5–6 errors present.
3–4 errors present.
0–2 errors present.


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