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Management homework help. 11/12/2020 Paper 2- Diversity and Inclusion 1/4
Paper 2- Diversity and Inclusion
Due Friday by 11:59pm Points 30 Submitting a file upload
Available after Aug 22 at 12am
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Diversity and inclusion initiatives in workplaces have gained in popularity over the last two decades.
Many organizations work from the top-down to promote diverse thinking and to enforce fair hiring and
promotion practices. For instance, many organizations set hiring quotas for marginalized groups to
ensure that they are diversifying their candidate pool. Other organizations conduct blind resume reviews
so that they cannot be biased by knowing the gender, name, or current living location of any one
candidate before they are brought in for an interview. These practices do help prevent bias in more
formal processes. However, bias is still a prolific problem amongst coworkers. Covert forms of
discrimination are on the rise, which are behaviors that are driven by unconscious bias that ostracize
others in some way (e.g., exclusion from professional camaraderie, ignoring ideas in meetings, giving
them work tasks below their position).
In all, people who identify with traditionally marginalized groups (e.g., women, BIPOC, disabled persons)
often still struggle to be heard, be recognized for their skills, earn a wage commiserate to their
experience, and move up the promotional ladder. However, we can all play a part in working toward a
better future, one in which all workers are treated equitably. Research suggests that the attitudes held
and equitable behaviors practiced by people at work can influence organizational inclusivity. The
purpose of this writing assignment is to consider your biases and to articulate how you want to promote
inclusion in your current and future organizations.
For this writing assignment, please thoughtfully and critically respond to all of the following
prompts in paragraph form, not numbered, so that your final paper flows like an essay. Please
remember: We all hold biases. We likely have had times in our lives when we have been racist, sexist,
homophobic, ageist, ableist, or biased against certain religions, etc… regardless of our own race, gender,
sexual orientation, or ability. In addition, many have had first-hand experiences with others being biased
against them based on their race, gender, religion, sexual orientation etc…
Please be honest and thoughtful in your responses – I will be grading you on the extent to which you
responded to each prompt, your level of introspection, and writing quality. You will not be graded or
judged for this assignment on the specific personal experiences or beliefs you write about.
11/12/2020 Paper 2- Diversity and Inclusion 2/4
Paper 2 Grading Rubric
1. What are three things that you took away from the readings (and videos), lecture, and panel
discussion this week? What (if anything) are you still thinking about?
2. How would you describe your current perspective on diversity and inclusion, and how has your
perspective changed over time?
3. What privileges do you think you hold? How might these privileges give you a leg up in your career
4. Describe a time when you experienced discrimination, witnessed discrimination, or were
discriminatory at work. What made this event discriminatory? How did it make you feel? If you could
go back in time, would you do anything differently? OR, if you feel like none of the above applies to
an actual experience you’ve had: Think of a hypothetical discriminatory situation (for example “I
observed someone being overtly ageist at work by assuming that a Baby Boomer did not know how
to use technology”). For this hypothetical situation, first, describe it (mentioning that it is hypothetical)
and answer: What would make this event discriminatory? How would it make you feel? How would
you handle this situation?
5. Moving forward, how will you think about biases and how do you think you will react if you notice you,
or someone else, is being racist/sexist/homophobic/ageist etc. in your workplace?
Formatting: Your paper should be…
3-5 pages in length
Times New Roman font
12 pt font
Double spaced
Please upload your paper as a word document.
11/12/2020 Paper 2- Diversity and Inclusion 3/4
Criteria Ratings Pts
5.0 pts
5.0 pts
5.0 pts
5.0 pts
5.0 pts
5.0 pts
Full Marks
Provided a
comprehensive and
insightful response to
the prompt.
2.5 pts
Partial Credit
Provided an accurate but basic
response to the prompt. Answered
the question with minimal insight.
0.0 pts
No Marks
Submitted a response that
was either inaccurate or that
did not address the prompt.
5.0 pts
Full Marks
Provided a
comprehensive and
insightful response to
the prompt.
2.5 pts
Partial Credit
Provided an accurate but basic
response to the prompt. Answered
the question with minimal insight.
0.0 pts
No Marks
Submitted a response that
was either inaccurate or that
did not address the prompt.
5.0 pts
Full Marks
Provided a
comprehensive and
insightful response to
the prompt.
2.5 pts
Partial Credit
Provided an accurate but basic
response to the prompt. Answered
the question with minimal insight.
0.0 pts
No Marks
Submitted a response that
was either inaccurate or that
did not address the prompt.
5.0 pts
Full Marks
Provided a
comprehensive and
insightful response to
the prompt.
2.5 pts
Partial Credit
Provided an accurate but basic
response to the prompt. Answered
the question with minimal insight.
0.0 pts
No Marks
Submitted a response that
was either inaccurate or that
did not address the prompt.
5.0 pts
Full Marks
Provided a
comprehensive and
insightful response to
the prompt.
2.5 pts
Partial Credit
Provided an accurate but basic
response to the prompt. Answered
the question with minimal insight.
0.0 pts
No Marks
Submitted a response that
was either inaccurate or that
did not address the prompt.
11/12/2020 Paper 2- Diversity and Inclusion 4/4
Total Points: 30.0
Criteria Ratings Pts
5.0 pts
5.0 pts
Full Marks
While there may be minor
errors, the paper follows
normal conventions of spelling
and grammar throughout and
has been carefully proofread.
The focus of the writing is
clear to the reader.
3.0 pts
Partial Credit
Some errors in spelling, grammar,
and other writing conventions that
distract from the analysis. The writer’s
decisions about focus, organization,
style/tone, and/or content sometimes
interfere with clear, effective
1.0 pts
Partial Credit
Writing contains
numerous errors
in spelling,
grammar, and/or
sentence structure
which interfere

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