Information Systems homework help

Information Systems homework help. Unit 1 Assignment: Business Problems
Outcomes addressed in this activity:
Unit Outcomes:
Define basic business problems and how data relates to them.
Identify various data inputs that could be used to address business problems.
List some of the common problems with data inputs.
Course Outcome:
IT527-1: Outline a business problem to document the sources and types of data needed to address the issue.
The Unit 1 Assignment will give you an opportunity to practice some of the analytics skills you learned in your Reading this week, and also to reflect on that learning.
Assignment Instructions
To fulfill the Unit 1 Assignment, complete the following steps:
In order to do all of the assignments in this class, you will need to download and install the Base R® statistical package software and the R Studio® software.
Locate a dataset that can be examined in R Studio. This dataset can be one of the built-in practice data sets available in R, a data set of your own making, or one downloaded from another source. If you choose to use one of R’s built-in data sets, please do not use any that were used in the book chapters or in Seminar, in order to ensure that you have an opportunity to do more practice than to simply re-create analysis that you have already seen. Note that your chosen dataset does not need to be particularly large or complex, but it should include several columns and at least a dozen rows, preferably more. Be sure that the data are primarily numerical in nature, since you will create some summary statistics later in this Assignment. Do not use a dataset without permission, especially if the data belongs to your employer.
Import your dataset into a data frame in R Studio.
Create a summary of your dataset in R Studio.
Open a new Microsoft® Word® document. Save it as Unit1<yourname>.docx, inserting your name as appropriate. Create a title page on your document. On the second page, place a screenshot of your dataset summary. Beneath your screenshot, write a brief description, using correct grammar and complete sentences, explaining why such a view of your data might be useful or interesting to a data analyst.
Install the “psych” package in R (install.packages(“psych”). Once it is installed, load the library.
Create descriptive statistics for your data set. The function in the psych library to generate descriptive statistics is “describe”. Take a screenshot of your descriptive statistics and place it in your Word file. Write a short description of what you have done with your data, and why it might be interesting to a data analyst. If necessary, use more than one screenshot and description.
Chapter 1 of the textbook demonstrates how to do a simple scatterplot in R, using the “plot” function. Pick two numeric columns in your dataset and create a scatterplot showing their relationship. Place a screenshot of your scatterplot in your Word document, and then describe how your scatterplot may be useful to a data analyst.
Save your Word file. Submit your file to the Dropbox for the Unit 1 Assignment.
Assignment Requirements
Prepare your Assignment submission in Microsoft Word following standard APA formatting guidelines: Double spaced, Times New Roman 12-point font, and one-inch margins on all sides. Include a title page, table of contents, and references page. You do not need to write an abstract. Label all tables and figures. Cite sources appropriately both in the text of your writing (parenthetical citations) and on your references page (full APA citation format).
For more information on APA style formatting, go to APA Style Central under Academic Tools of this course.
Also review the university policy on plagiarism. If you have any questions, please contact your professor.

Information Systems homework help


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