Human Resource Management homework help

Many leaders in organizations either do not believe in succession planning or do not follow-through with the succession plan initiative.
Your goal is to help build/create a high-level leadership succession plan to convince the executive leadership team to move forward with further research to implement (do not select CEO succession planning).  The research should include major reasons why leadership succession planning is important (your plan should include a minimum of three reasons).
Research a tailored, formal, systemic, systematic, and experientially-based leadership succession planning and recommend one of these methods as part of your plan.
Using Welder Library E-Resources of Google Scholar find a peer-reviewed article within the last 10 years on the topic of leadership succession planning.

  • Write and post a brief summary (3-4 paragraphs) outlining your plan (10 points)
  • Include one peer-reviewed journal article (2 points)
  • Reply to a minimum of two classmates. (3 points)

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These are the two classmate

1, Neeran Seth 

Succession Planning
Succession planning is defined by Valentine, Meglich, Mathis, & Jackson, 2020,p. 307, as the “process of preparing for inevitable vacancies in the organization hierarchy. It should include a well-designed development system for employees since it takes an average of two to three years to develop a qualified successor.” All organizations can benefit from identifying crucial job skills, knowledge, social relationships, and organizational practices and passing them on to prepare the next generation of workers, in that way ensuring the efficient movement of talent within the organization. (SHRM, 2020).
According to Day, 2007, the formal method of succession planning is “a formal process in which the key pieces are standardized throughout an organization. It requires organizational discipline to design, implement, and discipline.” Systemic succession planning is “an overall systems-wide perspective on leadership development helps to build a broader leadership capacity and a deeper pipeline of leaders.” (Day, 2007). The focus is not just on upper leadership but includes most levels of management. The systematic method according to Day, 2007, is “the most effective succession planning and leadership development initiatives are connected across levels into a coherent whole. The development initiative builds explicit linkages across leadership levels.” Tailored succession planning loses vision of the universal value of individual differences in developmental skill because of its generic plans. The last method of succession planning mentioned by Day, 2007 is experientially based, in this method it is noted that “a significant part of the ongoing work-related experience is powerful for development, leaders learn and develop from their work experience rather than taking them away from their work to develop.”
In creating a succession plan to help convince the executive leadership team to move forward with the implementation I would present a formal succession plan developed for the organization. I believe by allowing the executive leadership to understand the importance of the application of such a plan is important for the company and is where I begin. “Having a formal plan is necessary for an organization’s sustainability and success.  Benefits include; having a supply of highly qualified individuals ready for future job openings, providing career opportunities and plans for individuals, which helps retention and performance motivation, providing a basis for the continual review of staffing requirements as organizational changes occur over time, and generating confidence for investors and stakeholders.” ( Valentine, Meglich, Mathis, & Jackson, 2020,p. 310). The first step would be to identify employees who could potentially fill future vacancies in leadership positions. Second, consider the organization’s long-term objectives and goals in the next 5 to 10 years. Third, identify prospective vacancies in leadership positions and potential succession gaps, start to develop identified successors, have them paired with mentors in leadership positions. Fourth, integrate succession planning with the organization’s strategic planning process, to help show the possibility of growth within the organization. Fifth, update current employees on the steps the organization plans to use in the succession planning process. (Day, 2007).
Day, D. V. (2007). Https:// Retrieved November 29, 2020, from
SHRM. (2020, November 02). Engaging in Succession Planning. Retrieved November 30, 2020, from
Valentine, S. R., Meglich, P. A., Mathis, R. L., & Jackson, J. H. (2020). Human Resource          Management (Sixteenth ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning Inc.

2, Phillip Springsteen 

Introduction and Importance
Surprise resignation, deaths, and promotions determine how an organization has been prepared for leadership succession. Succession planning is a process of identifying potential employees who can fit in the leadership positions in the future. The process influences the continuity of a business as the identified employees are nurtured to gain skills and knowledge that would be useful in a specific position in a short time. Besides, it also saves an organization recruitment costs and supports the retention of top talent.
Leadership Succession Planning
Developing leadership talent through sustainable leadership succession planning is crucial for organizational success. It enables the senior leaders and managers to develop other talents from the workforce by equipping them with the right skills that they would use in case they are promoted to the positions. Aldulaimi (2017), claims that the potential leaders need technical, management, and leadership skills that strengthen their ability to develop a vision and inspire the employees into achieving the organization/department goals. The senior managers and the potential talents should work together to develop the objectives to be achieved in the succession plan.
Leadership Succession Planning Steps
The succession planning process enables the HR management to determine its importance and benefits to the company and workforce. Before choosing a successor, several factors should be considered. What is the impact of a particular position to the department or company, and ask a question like if the current leader leaves the company, how will it affect the business operations? This will help the management identify succession candidates. It would also help in the determination of whether they will need training or not. They should be informed, and professional development should start. They should then be subjected to trial to evaluate whether they will are suitable for the position. The plan will be specific and beneficial to the company.
Aldulaimi, S. H. (2017). The role of leadership improvement with succession planning. International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management, 5(6).


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