Environmental science homework help

This assignment will require you to draw on diverse outside sources to inform your understanding of Ottawa’s transportation system and sustainable transportation solutions. Below are some resources that we encourage you to explore; you are not limited these resources and we encourage you to investigate others. Additionally, you are expected to include peer-reviewed resources in your report (4 minimum). You may also benefit from reviewing the assigned textbook chapter for ‘The Urban Environment’ lecture on November 25 (Chapter 20 in 2nd edition, not included in 3rd edition) – please find pdf of this chapter posted under ‘Additional Readings’ in Brightspace.
Assignment 2: Sustainable Transportation in Ottawa
Due date: Thursday, Dec. 3rd @ 23:59
Value: 20% of total grade
Your final assignment will involve critically examining Ottawa’s transportation system from a sustainability
perspective and proposing strategies to make it more sustainable.
Questions you may wish to consider for this assignment:
 Why is transportation a sustainability issue?
 What is the system of focus?
o What are the characteristics of Ottawa’s transportation system?
o How is it used (be specific)?
o How does Ottawa’s system compare to other cities?
o How do Ottawa’s neighbourhoods compare?
 What are the specific problems or challenges facing Ottawa’s system?
 How can Ottawa’s transportation system become more sustainable?
o What are some specific strategies?
o How should strategies vary by neighbourhood/sectors of the city?
o What are the anticipated benefits?
o Have these strategies worked elsewhere?
While your critique of Ottawa’s existing system should be broad in scope, you are encouraged to propose
changes (strategies) that are focused on some specific aspect(s) of the system.
This assignment will require you to draw on diverse outside sources to inform your understanding of
Ottawa’s transportation system and sustainable transportation solutions. Below are some resources that we
encourage you to explore; you are not limited these resources and we encourage you to investigate others.
Additionally, you are expected to include peer-reviewed resources in your report (4 minimum). You may also
benefit from reviewing the assigned textbook chapter for ‘The Urban Environment’ lecture on November 25
(Chapter 20 in 2nd edition, not included in 3rd edition) – please find pdf of this chapter posted under
‘Additional Readings’ in Brightspace.
To understand the current transportation system and how it is used, visit:
City In Sight http://cityinsight-interface.ssg.coop/ottawa-transportation Login: Ottawa Password: C1S4OW!
Ottawa Insights: https://www.ottawainsights.ca/themes/environment-and-sustainability/
Ottawa neighbourhood study: https://www.neighbourhoodstudy.ca/ (great for comparing neighbourhoods)
For some local strategies and plans for change, visit:
Healthy Transportation Coalition: https://www.healthytransportation.ca/
Ecology Ottawa: https://ecologyottawa.ca/
To learn about what is currently being planned for Ottawa, visit:
Ottawa Official and Master Plans: https://ottawa.ca/en/planning-development-and-construction/officialplan-and-master-plans
Specific requirements for this assignment:
 Include a minimum of 4 peer-reviewed/scholarly articles to support your ideas
 Be sure to reference all data sources that you use (including websites)
 Write a maximum of eight (8) pages of double spaced text
 References, images, etc. are not included in the page count
 Use 12 point font + default margins in Word (2.54 cm)
 Use in-text referencing (Harvard or APA). See ‘How to Reference’ guide in Brightspace
 Submit your assignment through Brightspace by Thursday, December 3
rd @ 23:59
 Warning: You are responsible for the file you submit! Please confirm that it is in a .doc or .pdf
format, it is the correct version, and that it can be opened from Brightspace (i.e. it is not corrupted).
The evaluation of this assignment will be based on the following criteria:
 Clear rationale and purpose; terms/concepts defined as needed
 Transportation system clearly described
 Problems (environmental, social and economic) adequately explored
 Strategies clearly articulated and discussed/critiqued
 Ideas clearly summarized
 General impressions: topic well covered, demonstrated grasp of issues and concepts, arguments are
convincing and backed up by evidence
Organization and mechanics:
 Logical flow, transitions, structure, focus
 Grammar, spelling, punctuation, clarity of writing
 Suggested length of paper respected (max. 8 pages of text)
 Demonstrated evidence of proofreading (i.e. minimal grammatical errors)
 Overall reading appeal
Research and referencing:
 Evidence of depth to research (literature and data)
 Minimum number of peer-reviewed references included (min. of 4)
 Literature and data sources cited where appropriate
 References are relevant and persuasive
 Proper referencing style used
 Effective use and presentation of figures, tables, etc. (if appropriate)


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