English homework help

ENGL 2330 Final paper- Write a literary analysis of a focused aspect of one of the other works of literature from this class. Take one of the following focuses in this essay: 1. character analysis/ or compare/contrast of two characters, 2. analysis of a form (epic, tragedy, etc), or 3. analysis of theme. 
Points Possible
Points Earned
Essay meets page requirement of five FULL pages, and it does not exceed seven pages.  (At least five pages of content are included, not counting the works cited page).
Essay demonstrates understanding of the chosen work of literature. Analysis extends beyond plot summary and presents a scholarly analysis of the topic. Theme, character, or form are addressed.  Critical thinking and creativity is exhibited. Title shows creativity.
Essay draws on scholarly research to support the argument. At least three scholarly secondary sources are used (At least one source from JSTOR is listed on the works cited page and integrated into this essay). The primary source (the work of literature) is also referenced and quoted.
At least four sources are listed on the works cited page.
Sources are referenced using MLA parenthetical citations and a MLA works cited page.  MLA is in 8th edition. Quotes are integrated effectively and smoothly.
Essay shows organization. Paragraphs are used effectively. Thesis is present and provides clear direction for this research paper.
Points Possible
Points Earned
Paper follows MLA format for pagination and style. Sentences are complete, clear, concise, and follow rules for spelling, grammar and punctuation.
Essay refrains from first person and presents information objectively and confidently. Academic and formal tone of voice is demonstrated.
Tone is appropriate to the assignment. Present tense is used to write about events in the literature.
Total Points
Submitted on Time?   YES   THIS IS a 6 page assignment and it is due Wednesday and it is going to be a bout a character of your choice from gilgamesh the epic 


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