Business & Finance homework help

1. Differences between women and men in leadership positions.
a. “Gender gap still exists in healthcare management. (In the News).” Healthcare Financial Management Feb. 2002: 22+. Business Insights: Global. Web. 13 Nov. 2020.
i. It has been known that men typically make more than women in almost all fields but in the healthcare field the wage gap is much more drastic.
1. As of 1990 women made an average of 19% less than men.
2. While in the early 2000’s women made an average of 25% less than men
b. Rivera-Romano, L. S., Fresno, C., Hernández-Lemus, E., Martínez-García, M., & Vallejo, M. (2020). Gender imbalance in executive management positions at the Mexican National Institutes of Health. Human Resources for Health18(1), 21–21.
i. Between the 1990s and the 2000s, women have experienced a somewhat large increase (400%) in the representation in executive positions (from 1.3% in 1992 to around 6.7% in 2004) (Romano-Romano, 2020).
1. Men still hold the most positions in cardiac, surgical specialties and most of the jobs that require more academics. (typically the higher paying jobs)
ii. Women in leadership have less harsh dictator way of leading.
1. Women are more interpersonal and democratic
2. Men are more task oriented and autocratic. (ruler who has absolute power)
iii. Why are women typically brought into leadership positions when times get hard?
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