[Your Full Name Here]
Enrolment No. xxxxxxx [Insert Degree Name]
[Insert Department Name] [Insert Name of College]
[Insert Course Code: xxxxx] [Insert Branch Name]
Date of Submission: DD MM 20YY
_______________ __________________ Student signature Supervisor Signature |
Supervisor Name: Dr. Xxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxx TABLE OF CONTENTS
1.1. General Introduction
This is a sample. Replace with your own.
We, human beings, are continuously evolving as indispensable thinking creatures of the universe. The man has come a very long way and has rightly made great strides in almost every conceivable field of achievement. Scientific breakthroughs and technological advancements have enhanced our confidence in understanding or even conquering the nature at large. The man is regarded to be in the midst of best of times, the world have ever witnessed. Some fifty years back, no one could have imagined the level of the technological feat or the extent of global integration of countries which we are experiencing now. Considering the increasing share of emerging economies in the global growth, there have been substantial improvements in enriching the lives of millions of people around the globe.
1.2. Research Questions
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The research questions is one of the most important parts of your research project, thesis or dissertation. It’s important to spend some time assessing and refining your question before you get started. The exact form of your question will depend on the length of your project, the type of research, the topic, and the research problem. But all research questions should be focused, specific, appropriately complex, and relevant to a social or scholarly issue.
The research questions for this study are:
- What are the skills & resources required for the success of social enterprises & what are those skills where the enterprise can invest in?
- What are the input factors for implementing the social enterprise evaluation process?
1.3. Research Objectives
This is a sample. Replace with your own.
Formulating research objectives in an appropriate manner is one of the most important aspects of your thesis. This is because research aim and objectives determine the scope, depth and the overall direction of the research. Research question is the central question of the study that has to be answered on the basis of research findings. The objectives of a sample thesis are given under:
Hence, the research, “Title of your research’’ has been formulated with the following primary objective:
- To get a deeper understanding of the critical success factors of social enterprises operating in different social settings in India in terms of their influence in social entrepreneurship success.
Depending upon the nature of your study, you can divide the main objective into sub-objectives also. However, this is optional. You can have only main objective or you can divide it into the required number of sub-objectives depending upon the nature of your study. For example, the above mentioned main objective can be divided into following sub-objectives.
Thus, in accordance with the above-mentioned primary objective, the study was acknowledged with the set of following set of sub-objectives in order to conduct the research in a more comprehensive way:
- To determine the importance and criticality of individual-level factors of leadership, entrepreneurship orientation, networking, business planning skills and their constituent attributes in social enterprise success.
- To determine the importance and criticality of organizational-level factors of innovative financing, triple bottom line planning, social enterprise marketing, community engagement, organizational culture, social impact evaluation, frugal innovation, human capital and their constituent attributes in social enterprise success.
- To determine the importance and criticality of institutional-level factors of Government support and its constituent attributes in social enterprise success.
1.4. Significance of the Study
This is a sample. Replace with your own.
It provides details to the reader on how the study will contribute such as what the study will contribute and who will benefit from it. It also includes an explanation of the work’s importance as well as its potential benefits. For example the above mentioned example, the significance can be written in the following way
The research makes important contributions to existing literature on the critical factors determining the success of social enterprises from both managerial and academic point of view:
In this chapter, all the literature available on the different approaches to the concept of your research is explicitly reviewed. Here you can write the outline or plan of your review like in how many sections and what you are discussing in each section.
2.1. Sample Main Heading
This is a sample. Replace with your own.
Social entrepreneurship in common parlance refers to entrepreneurial activity with an embedded social purpose. Although, entrepreneurial activities with a social concern can be traced back in the history but the social entrepreneurship as an innovative model for social problem solving has recently emerged (Robinson et al., 2009; Mair & Marti, 2006; Peredo & McLean, 2006; Dees et al., 2002; Chell, 2007). Thus, social entrepreneurship mainly stands for endeavors which primarily focus over social value creation and thus social mission remains central to every social entrepreneurship activity.
The social entrepreneurship has become a global phenomenon, impacting societies by catalyzing social transformations for societal wellbeing. The phenomenon mainly addresses the basic needs of human society which were neglected in the race for mainstream development. As such, the phenomenon can occur in any society and often such local social entrepreneurship initiatives have the potential for scale up and replication at the global level. E-g: Microfinance of Bangladesh.
2.2. Sample Main Heading 2
As described above, the idea of social enterprise is certainly not new as businesses with social missions can be traced back in the nineteenth century. Thus, the practice of social enterprise may well be ahead of the theory as in other areas of social action (Sarah et al., 2002).
2.3. Sample Main Heading 3
As described above, the idea of social enterprise is certainly not new as businesses with social missions can be traced back in the nineteenth century. Thus, the practice of social enterprise may well be ahead of the theory as in other areas of social action (Sarah et al., 2002).
2.4. Hypotheses (if any)
This is a sample. Replace with your own.
Write here the hypothesis of your study. It can be only one or it can be even more than one as per your choice and nature of study. For example, for the sample example provided in chapter one, the hypothesis can be like follows.
For achieving the objectives of the study, few hypotheses were presumed. These were formed on the basis of previous and current studies on the topic of critical success factors of social enterprises; the hypotheses are described as follows:
Hypothesis -1
H1a: The possession of strong business planning skills in key individuals of social enterprises is significantly associated with the success of social enterprises.
Hypothesis -2
H2a: Having a strong entrepreneurship orientation in social entrepreneurs is significantly associated with the success of social enterprises.
In this chapter, the research process of your thesis is to be well-defined and described sequentially. Starting with (1) research preparation, research approach; process of the survey, concerning research design, participants/respondents, sampling procedure and survey design, sample plan, research instrument, method of analysis and the limitations are discussed in detail.
3.1. Research Approach
This is a sample. Replace with your own.
Research approach is a plan and procedure that consists of the steps of broad assumptions to detailed method of data collection, analysis and interpretation. It is therefore, based on the nature of the research problem being addressed. The researcher’s choice of a particular research approach is governed by the nature of the research problems he/she wants to solve (Yin 1994; Merriam 1998).
3.2. Research Design
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Research design represents the overall functional plan or blueprint (Babbie & Mouton, 2008) for the research project. Whereas research methodology refers to the standard set of tools, techniques, and approaches used for the purpose of collecting, analyzing and interpreting data by the researcher, the research design is the purposeful way in which such methods are linked together to address the research questions or reach conclusions. Tempering an appropriate research design is critical for the attainment of specified goals or objectives outlined for the research project. Therefore, the research design is ought to be trustworthy and reliable while being scientifically grounded (Cooper & Schindler, 2006; Churchill & Iacobucci, 2002). The research design refers to the overall strategy that you choose to integrate the different components of the study in a coherent and logical way, thereby, ensuring you will effectively address the research problem; it constitutes the blueprint for the collection, measurement, and analysis of data.
3.2.1. Target Population (Sampling Technique and Sample Size)
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The target population is the total group of individuals from which the sample might be drawn. A sample is the group of people who take part in the investigation. The target population is the total group of individuals from which the sample might be drawn. A sample is the group of people who take part in the investigation. The people who take part are referred to as “participants”.
Please provide a description of your target population. Also indicate your expected sample size as well as what type of sampling will be used and why.
3.2.2. Data Collection Approach
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Data collection is a process of collecting information from all the relevant sources to find answers to the research problem, test the hypothesis and evaluate the outcomes. Data collection methods can be divided into two categories: secondary methods of data collection and primary methods of data collection. You need to write here the types of data you will be using and also how you collected those sources of data.
This is a sample. Replace with your own.
This chapter analyses and interprets the data collected. The chapter discusses the results of the study. You can divide the chapter into the desired number of sections and sub-sections. Analysis is still a method or a tool being used to break down your findings.
Indicate in the form of a Gantt chart, the expected research start date, the duration of some important phases/activities and also indicate the tentative project end date and total duration of the project.
Time Frame (Gantt-Chart)
(Assume that you will undertake a full research of four to six months)
This is a sample. Replace with your own.
Activities | Duration (Days) |
Time ( Month) |
Time ( Month) |
Introduction | |||||||
Literature Review | |||||||
Data collection | |||||||
Report writing | |||||||
Submission of final Report |
References (Sample)
- Acs, Z. J., & Audretsch, D. B. (2005). Entrepreneurship, innovation and technological change. Foundations and Trends in Entrepreneurship, 1(4), 1–65.
- Adams, C. (2015). Understanding integrated reporting: The concise guide to integrated thinking and the future of corporate reporting. Do Sustainability.
- Adler, P., & Kwon, S. (2002). Social capital: Prospects for a new concept. Academy of Management Review 27(1) 17-40.
Appendices (Questionnaire)