Article writing homework help

Four mini essays a cover page with your class number and  name, headings for each Essay (i.e. Essay 1, 2, 3, 4, etc.) clearly  labeled, and a reference page with reference
Essay 1 (write 1 page; double space)
In his essay entitled Courage, Cornel West argues that it  takes courage to interrogate oneself and asks: “How did I become so well  adjusted to injustice?” What did you learn from this essay? How does  Harro’s Cycle of Socialization in the Conceptual Frameworks Chapter help you understand why we are so well trained not to see injustice? How does Harro’s Cycle of Liberation  in this chapter help you identify steps you can take to muster the  courage to think critically and take actions that promote social justice  in your own spheres of influence?
Essay 2 (write 1 page; double space)
Read A. Ayvazian’s Women, Race and Racism: A Dialogue in Black and White in the Racism Chapter, and X. Zúñiga’s, G. Lopez and K. Ford, Intergroup dialogue as social justice pedagogy in  this chapter. What are your personal hopes for dialogues across similar  and different social identities? What steps could you take in your  neighborhood community, place of worship, or college campus to  participate or organize dialogues across differences?
(Note: Engaging in dialogues across differences can be both challenging and rewarding. Go to the Everyday Democracy website (Links to an external site.) and review the “A comparison of dialogue and debate”Preview the document  handout. Take note of the characteristics that distinguish dialogue  from debate , as you consider what steps you would take to prepare  yourself to engage in a sustained dialogue effort about a controversial  issue impacting in your community, place of worship, or college campus,  etc.)
Essay 3 (write 1 page; double space)
We all need allies to help sustain our work for social justice. What did you learn about the role of allies from reading G. Anzaldúa’s interview?  What did you find helpful about her perspective and why? What did you  find challenging about her perspective and why? What are some next steps  for you to developing trusting ally relationships?
Essay 4 (write 2 pages; double space)
Write a reflection paper about your experiences in this class and what you learned. A reflection paper is  your opportunity to add your thoughts and analysis to what you have  read and experienced. This paper is meant to illustrate your  understanding of the material and how it affects your ideas and possible  practice/action in future. You may focus your reflections on anyone or more of the following areas:

  1. The oppressions we explored in this course (i.e., racism, colorism,  classism, religious oppression, sexism, heterosexism, transgender,  ableism, adultism, and/or linguicism, etc.).
  2. A specific concept: White Privilege, Heterosexual Privileges, Christian Privileges, or Able-bodies Privileges, etc.
  3. Young’s Five Faces of Oppression (i.e., Exploitation, Marginalization, Powerless, and Cultural Imperialism).
  4. Kirk and Okazawa-Rey’s social location (i.e., Macro, Micro, and Meso).
  5. Harro’s Cycle of Socialization.
  6. Harro’s Cycle of Liberation.

Readings for Diversity and Social Justice (4thEdition2018).Edited by Marianne Adams, Warren J.Blumenfeld, D. Chase J. Catalano, Keri DeJong, Heather W. Hackman, Larissa E. Hopkins, Barbara J. Love, Madeline L. Peters, Davey Shlasko, and Ximena Zuniga. ISBN: 9781138055285


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