After studying all the Themes in Chapter 4 = in the textbox provided, address the following in a short essay of at least 800 words addressing all of the questions below:
(students can save their progress and pick up later)
(students can save their progress and pick up later)
- 3 main topics
- 9 questions to answer when writting
- Consider and choose an artwork you have studied this semester that was made by an artist from another race/culture/gender other than yourself = 150pts
Then answer:
- How do you personally relate to this artwork? (why do you like it or find it interesting)
- Is the association positive or negative and why? (explain the message you feel the artwork is portraying or wants the viewer to understand about them)
- What role/roles do you think the artist’s background: race/culture/gender = played in the decision making of the artwork selected? (possibly the colors selected, the content, the concept, etc)= 150pts
- How does society in general view their race/culture/gender?
- Explain how their artwork either changes, validates or questions your world view about their particular race/culture/gender?
- Discuss the a theme from Ch 4. this artwork could fall under (can be more than 1) explain why
- Chapter 4.1Art and Community
- Chapter 4.2 Spirituality and Art
- Chapter 4.3Art and the Cycle of Life
- Chapter 4.4Art and Science
- Chapter 4.5 Art, Illusion, and Transformation
- Chapter 4.6Art of Political Leaders and Rulers
- Chapter 4.7Art, War, and Revolution
- Chapter 4.8Art of Social Conscience
- Chapter 4.9The Body in Art
- Chapter 4.10 Identity, Race, and Gender in Art
- If you were to make an artwork. How could you communicate your experience to your audience in an artwork? Answer each = 300pts
- What specific materials would you use?
- Describe your artwork using specific elements/principles you have learned about to describe (would it be balanced? Use complementary colors? etc..)
- What could be the benefit of engaging an audience in the viewing of this artwork?
- Would you feel compelled to exhibit this artwork? Where and why?
Worth 500pts total max