1) L.LTopic 4 DQ 1
Hello everyone,
Three types of conflict are personal conflict, task conflict, and procedural conflict. Personal conflict is disagreement between group members that relates to differences in personalities and communication styles, and conflicting core values and beliefs, it occurs when members do not feel appreciated, feel threatened by the group, or struggle for power. Task conflict is disagreement among group members about issues, ideas, actions, or goals. Procedural conflict is disagreement among group members about the methods, processes, or policies in the group (Engleberg & Wynn, 2017). I think the most destructive to the group is personal conflict. Personal conflict puts more of a dent in how each member feels about them self, thus, affecting how they will contribute to the group. If a person does not feel appreciated in a group, they will have the mindset of ” why should I do anything, it wont be appreciated anyway”. This may make them not even want to focus on the task given due to them feeling unappreciated. According to Engleberg & Wynn (2017), group members associate conflict with fighting, anger, hostility, and negative consequences. However, when treated as an expression of legitimate differences, conflict can improve group problem solving, promote cohesiveness, increase group knowledge, enhance creativity, and promote the group’s common goal. Sometimes conflict is needed in a group to get it on the right track.
Engleberg, Isa & Wynn, Diana. (2017). Working in Groups.Communication Principles and Strategies. Seventh Edition. Pearson Education.
2)C.D Re: Topic 4 DQ 1
The three conflict styles that can occur during a group setting are: task, personal, and procedural. Task conflicts are disagreements when a group is partaking in issues, ideas, actions or goals. Personal conflict is just that. When group members have negative differences with personalities, communication styles, and or core values. Procedural conflict is disagreement among group members about the methods, processes, or policies the group should use (Engleberg, Wynn,2017). I do believe that depending in what group one is in would determine the conflict that would be most detrimental. If the group was one of a proper professionalsetting, out of these three conflicts, I believe the most destructive is procedural. At a workplace or school setting personal matters are not necessary. It is one’s choice to indulge in a personal conversation, and most of the time it is because the members get along personally. Procedures, on the other hand, and very necessary in a work or school setting. There needs to be order, and a flow on tasks that these members are working on. If the members are not all on the same page and conflict occurs it can be destructive.
Engleberg, Isa & Wynn, Diana. (2017). Working in Groups.Communication Principles and Strategies. Seventh Edition. Pearson Education.
J. G. Topic 4 DQ 1
There are three types of conflict that groups experience such as task, personal, and procedural conflict. Task conflict is a conflict that arises in the group when disagreements occur over ideas, actions, or other issues that could affect the group’s goal (Engleberg, & Wynn, 2017). One could say task conflict is a battle over what the bigger picture is and major decisions that would influence the success of the group accomplishing their goal. Personal conflict is a disagreement that is caused either by emotions, individual perspectives, or as a result of ineffective communication (Engleberg, & Wynn, 2017). Personal conflict captures all the emotional aspects of each individual in a group. Procedural conflict is problems that emerge from issues of the ethics or standards set for the group (Engleberg, & Wynn, 2017). It procedural conflict that encapsulates issues that occur over disagreements to the guidelines of the group. In my opinion, personal conflict is the most destructive of all the types of conflict a group experience. Groups can pivot from one idea to another relating to a task or procedural conflict but repairing broken relationships is a more complex issue that may require an immense amount of time. Personal conflict touches into the faith in one another and once that is lost, all is lost.
Engleberg, I. N., & Wynn, D. R. (2017). Working in groups: Communication principles and strategies (7th ed.). NY, NY: Pearson. Retrieve from https://viewer.gcu.edu/KPjHYR
4) K. L: Topic 4 DQ 1
Three types of conflict that groups experience are task conflict, personal conflict, and procedural conflict. Task conflict occurs when group members disagree about the issues, ideas, actions, or goals of the group. Personal conflict is when group members have disagreement based on their different personalities, communication styles, and their different core values and beliefs. Procedural conflict is when group members disagree about the methods, processes, or policies the group should use. Some type of conflict always happens at some point in every group, and it is very important for the members of the group to learn how to properly communicate with each other in those types of situations so that the problem between the group members does not get even bigger. I think that the most destructive type of conflict is personal conflict, because it revolves around their different personalities, communications styles, and their personal values and beliefs. People can often be defensive about things in their personal life, and most of the time are not willing to change things about themselves. In this type of conflict, everything is also taken very personally and can cause hurt feelings. It is not bad that they do not want to change who they are, but it is important for them to maybe adjust how they react to certain things in the group, and learn how to communicate with others in their group.
Engleberg, Isa & Wynn, Diana. (2017). Working in Groups.Communication Principles and Strategies. Seventh Edition. Pearson Education.
L. L: Topic 4 DQ 2
Hello everyone,
Constructive conflict is a way to get to the bottom of issues in an effective way, in order to keep the group moving forward. Behaviors that a group may use to make sure its conflict is constructive are, being open minded to how others in the group may feel about certain aspects, supporting others ideas, respecting others and cooperating with all group members. When members within a group can be respectful and speak openly about disagreements, while each person involved tries to understand one another and come up with solutions, goals are reached. According to Engleberg & Wynn (2017), Groups that promote constructive conflict abide by the following principles:
- Members work with one another to achieve a mutually satisfying resolution of conflict.
- Lower-status group members are free to disagree with higher-status members.
- Disagreement does not result in punishment.
- The group agrees on the approaches to conflict resolution and decision making.
- Members can disagree and still respect one another.
The conflict management strategy is best applied to constructive conflict is the 4Rs. Analyzing and understanding the nature of the disagreement can promote constructive conflict resolution. The 4Rs Method provides a way of thinking about conflict and selecting an appropriate approach to conflict management (Engleberg & Wynn, 2017).
Engleberg, Isa & Wynn, Diana. (2017). Working in Groups.Communication Principles and Strategies. Seventh Edition. Pearson Education.
2) J. G: Topic 4 DQ 2
There are several behaviors that can increase the chances of conflict becoming constructive such as acting in a respectful, cooperative, flexible, supportive, and task-oriented manner. When a group utilizes those behaviors in their day-to-day interactions, it can lead to conflict that helps lift up and push the group to greater levels of success (Engleberg, & Wynn, 2017). When people incorporate respect, cooperation, flexibility, compassion, and an objective-oriented minset into their relationships it fosters a productive environment that leads the group in the best direction. From my perspective, the 4Rs Method is best applied to constructive conflict because it analyzes the situation and presents a solution that addresses the problem in a manner that is best for the group (Engleberg, & Wynn, 2017). The 4Rs Method is focused on logic while also acknowledge the emotional element in a group so it creates a solution that satisfies the logical element and the emotional element.
Engleberg, I. N., & Wynn, D. R. (2017). Working in groups: Communication principles and strategies (7th ed.). NY, NY: Pearson. Retrieve from https://viewer.gcu.edu/KPjHYR
K.L: Topic 4 DQ 2
There are several ways for a group to communicate in order to make sure that the conflict is constructive. The group members should remain open-minded and willing to listen to other’s ideas. They should all do their best to work together as a group to achieve a solution that everyone is pleased with. The group members who are not in charge should feel comfortable voicing disagreement with the group members that are in charge, and the “higher-status” group members should be open to their feedback. There should be an understanding in the group that if anyone disagrees with someone else, or the group as a whole, they should not be reprimanded for that. The group needs to all agree on the way that their conflicts will be resolved, and have the understanding with each other that they can disagree with each other and still have respect for who they are disagreeing with. The best conflict management strategy to be applied to constructive conflict is the 4Rs method. The 4Rs method is a process for analyzing the nature of a disagreement and then selecting an appropriate conflict management styles with four steps. The steps are reasons, reactions, results, and resolution. I think this is the best strategy because it gives the group a step by step process to help them figure out the nature of the disagreement and then finding the best way to resolve the problem.
Engleberg, Isa & Wynn, Diana. (2017). Working in Groups.Communication Principles and Strategies. Seventh Edition. Pearson Education.
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