Applied Sciences homework help

Finish the Assignment #3: Student Guide-PREDIMED, CVD, Lifestyle and Nutrition
Assigned Article:
“Effect of a lifestyle intervention program with energy-restricted Mediterranean diet and exercise on weight loss and cardiovascular risk factors: one-year results of the PREDIMED-Plus trial. Diabetes Care, 2019:42:777-78”. Supplementary information is included.
Instructions for the Assignment: 
1. Review the background material given below to understand the aims of PREDIMED and PREDIMED-Plus trials and the differences between them. We have provided a Glossary that is a useful resource for this assignment to explain many of the terms used in the background below.
2. Read the assigned paper and the Supplementary Data.
3. Answer the questions. The answers should be stated in your own words, and can be very brief. These are short answer questions; we are not looking for essays! You should be able to answer all the questions in 1-2 pages maximumUse Arial 11, 1.5 space.
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