American history homework help

  • “Lorna” by Lynn Hershman-Leeson, 1972. (Week 12 Resource Page video)


  • “Color Panel v. 1.0” by John Simon, 1999. (Week 11 slides)
  • “Super Mario Clouds” by Cory Arcangle, 2002. (Week 11 slides)
  • “America’s Got No Talent” by J. Bruckner-Cohen & K. Moriwaki (Week 11 slides)
  • “Third Ear” by Stelarc, 2006 onward. (Week 15 slides and resources) 

  • “Unexpected Growth” by Tamiko Thiel, 2016. (Week 14 slides)

Do learn the medium(s) of each work – hardware, software, other materials/mediums used, type of artwork i.e. software driven sculpture, installation, and be familiar with concepts from Lecture and used by Paul, and other theorists pitched at you this semester to describe them. (this is the first approach to studying)
Most have video link in the Lecture Slides from that week or under Resources. Otherwise, amass any Lecture notes, good articles you can find from art resources, and collections such as Electronic Arts Intermix,, NYMOMA, Whitney Museum “Programmed” exhibition (2018-19)  curated by Christiane Paul to source information on the artworks. These artists also all have websites.

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